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Boost Your Hair, Skin, and Nail Health Naturally

woman-inspecting-supplement-bottle-sq-400Brittle nails, dull hair, dry, patchy skin. If this is your reality, it’s important to make some changes to improve the health of your skin, nails, and mane as it reflects your overall health. Various factors, including genetics, exposure to tobacco smoke, medication and drug use, and nutritional deficiencies, can affect their condition.

The Role of Nutrition and Supplements

Avoiding processed or nutritionally bankrupt foods and eating a well-balanced diet can help maintain the health of your integumentary system (hair, nails, and skin). Additionally, vitamin supplementation can support the biological processes that sustain this system. Supplementation is particularly important for managing symptoms of hypothyroidism, a condition known to impact hair, skin, and nails negatively.

Thyroid & Hormone Panel »

Vitamin formulas designed for a healthy integumentary system contain many of the nutrients essential for the growth and maintenance of cells throughout your body. These nutrients also support keratin production, a protein crucial for the structure and strength of hair, skin, and nails.

What Are Some Beneficial Supplements?

Biotin & the Mighty B Vitamins

The B-complex vitamins, including B12, B3, and B6, are vital for hair and skin growth. Biotin, another B vitamin, is often used to help reduce or prevent hair loss. Some people may not get enough biotin through their diet, leading to a deficiency.

Research has shown that taking biotin supplements may help alleviate hair thinning in such cases. Remember, taking B vitamins as a group is important to avoid imbalances. Biotin-rich foods include eggs, avocados, legumes, and bananas.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a crucial role in hair follicle cycling, particularly for people living in northern regions with limited sunlight. Excellent sources of vitamin D include wild salmon, mushrooms, and grass-fed beef liver.


Zinc is a vital mineral for hair growth, wound healing, healthy skin, and immune function. It is found in foods such as red meat, oysters, pastured lamb, pastured turkey, pumpkin seeds, and chocolate (in moderation).


Horsetail, an herb with antibacterial properties, is rich in flavonoids, potassium, and silicon. These nutrients are vital for rapidly growing tissues like skin and nails and play a key role in collagen synthesis.

Vitamins C & E

Vitamins C and E are essential for protecting cells from damage and boosting immunity. Good sources include citrus fruits, dark green vegetables, and seeds.

Essential Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and support skin and scalp health. These can be obtained from cold-water fish such as mackerel, salmon, sardines, anchovies, tuna, pollock, or shrimp. However, due to potential heavy metal content, limit intake of larger fish to two or three times a month. Smaller fish can be consumed more frequently.

If you prefer not to eat fish or follow a vegan diet, consider fish or algae oil supplements. Plant sources of omega-3s, like flaxseed oil or chia seeds, are not good alternatives. That’s because the body is highly inefficient at converting these omega-3 fatty acids (alpha-linolenic acid) into the usable source of the omega-3 fatty acids (docosahexaenoic acid or DHA & eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA).

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

If you’d like to improve the appearance and health of your hair, skin, and nails, let’s talk! Contact Taste Life Nutrition today to discuss with Denver Functional Nutritionist Nikki Burnett how these supplements can help you.

Schedule your complimentary 15-minute Health is Wealth consultation with Nikki today!


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